Friday, April 9, 2010

Chasing Miracles

View from our suite at Wild Horse Pass Resort & Spa
Admittedly, we’d had enough of the snow and dreary days when we booked our Phoenix vacation in early March. The warm, sunny weather invigorated our spirits just as we’d hoped. We stayed in a remote area outside Chandler, Arizona at the Wild Horse Pass Resort & Spa where the breath-taking landscapes, babbling brooks, and endless blue skies made us feel like Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. My husband and I hadn’t taken a vacation alone in over a decade. It’s sad how we let life and time get away from us before admitting we’re frazzled because we neglect our souls. Like most Americans, carving out time away from TVs, cell phones, and electronic gadgets is usually bumped from the schedule to squeeze one more 'To Do' item into our already overstressed daily itineraries.

Rawhide western town and steakhouse in Chandler, AZ
When we do make time for self-care by hitting the gym, pampering ourselves, or walking the dog after work, we still ‘guilt’ ourselves about tasks we had to skip or postpone. My sister and I often compare notes about fun, effective relaxation methods in much the same way we played together as kids. “You won’t believe what I did the other day,” is the best thing to hear and share with a friend. Sharing joyful energy is so powerful. The puritanical idea of serious, hard work is so ingrained in our society, but we are literally killing ourselves by adhering to these ancient standards. I challenge those who feel ‘serious’ work is somehow more valuable and business-like. Isn’t working with a positive, energetic person more likely to make you a repeat customer?

Camping at Backbone fall 2009
While in Arizona, we took the opportunity to cruise the Iowa Department of Natural Resources Parks website. We chose and reserved three weekend getaways at our favorite campground Backbone State Park. This wonderfully serene spot features a lake for swimming and boating as well as trails for hiking and biking. The location near Strawberry Point is a short 45-minute drive from our home and to our surprise, offers no cell phone signal with our wireless carrier (oh well… he, he). Chase a few miracles of your own today and do something for your soul that makes you smile all day!

(by Melissa Kane)

Warm air dissolves snow’s blanket
Sunshine awakens moist earth
Revealing sleeping ground beneath

Ice wanes as water creeps and rushes
Momentary pools well up
Feeding swollen streams and rivers

Buds pop on limbs and branches
Foundlings stretch arms skyward
Shaking off hibernation hangovers

Winter’s dark cast retreats
Fresh sprouts proclaim nature’s revival
Ushering in our beloved bride SPRING

1 comment:

  1. Love the Chasing Miracles entry - you have mellowed so much since we worked together at ARC! I guess time has a way of doing that to us, doesn't it! And I have to say, I'm envious of your gardening and country life - I had such good intentions of starting a vegetable garden this year, but with everything that's been going on, just couldn't/can't seem to get it in - so maybe I'll plan better and get it done next year! Hope all is well! Love ya!
