Thursday, March 5, 2009

Where the Green Grass Grows

The promise of warmer weather later this week has me anticipating outdoor yard work and garden shed organization in preparation for seed sprouting season, which is just the type of green “therapy” I need to cure my end-of-winter blahs. Now, if only I could find that list of stuff to start from seed that I compiled a few days ago. Oh, how I yearn to be outdoors with a warm breeze and sunshine on my skin digging in dirt!

Lately, dreams of daffodils and tulips engulf me as I eagerly await the rebirth of those sleeping pastel beauties. After the unusually long and harsh winter we’ve endured, the arrival of spring will truly feel like a miracle of nature. Even though that spring 'To Do' list is likely more than I can handle, you won’t hear me grumbling once I get green-grass underfoot.

Each week as I pass the floral section at the local supermarket, I feel the pots of spring bulbs calling me louder and louder saying, “Please take me home…who knows when this cold spell will finally break.” So far, I’ve avoided the temptation, but I’m afraid I cannot hold out much longer…and maybe I shouldn’t resist. I could use a few more spring bloomers out front and their sunny disposition always provides a welcome respite.

Want a fun new spring project to try? Visit this link: Chair Planter.

You can use an old chair of your own or pick one up dirt-cheap at a local thrift store. Try using potted bulbs like tulips or daffodils that you can later plant right into your garden!

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