It seems winter must have one last hurrah as last night we received a fresh 4” blanket of snow and although it won’t last a full 24-hours, it dampens my spring dreams nonetheless. Small miracles like a surprise bouquet of tulips from my husband and occasional 50° sunny days had begun to make March feel like warmer days were here to stay, yet Mother Nature’s sense of humor reminds me anything is possible.
The stark contrast between green dreams one day and snow-filled landscape the next still gives me hope that spring bulbs will soon be emerging from the dark, wet soil. The plethora of robins at my feeders lately proves earth’s rebirth is near. I wonder if the robins also get annoyed at the sudden change in weather. I imagine a husband and wife set of robins considering why they came north so soon and perhaps they should have waited until April to make the trip.
I am rather “expectant” of my garden babies this year anxiously awaiting their arrival. While it's too soon to relocate houseplants and new seedlings like these Cosmos beauties to the front porch for spring/summer, each day I cannot help checking the weather forecast anyway. Perhaps my longing has more to do with waiting for time to pass until my beloved husband’s return from Iraq. I know once the weather stays warm that my husband will be home for good.
Until then, I’m waiting, waiting, waiting for the snow to melt and for my spring babies to make their appearance.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Spring Arrivals
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Where the Green Grass Grows
Lately, dreams of daffodils and tulips engulf me as I eagerly await the rebirth of those sleeping pastel beauties. After the unusually long and harsh winter we’ve endured, the arrival of spring will truly feel like a miracle of nature. Even though that spring 'To Do' list is likely more than I can handle, you won’t hear me grumbling once I get green-grass underfoot.
Each week as I pass the floral section at the local supermarket, I feel the pots of spring bulbs calling me louder and louder saying, “Please take me home…who knows when this cold spell will finally break.” So far, I’ve avoided the temptation, but I’m afraid I cannot hold out much longer…and maybe I shouldn’t resist. I could use a few more spring bloomers out front and their sunny disposition always provides a welcome respite.
Want a fun new spring project to try? Visit this link: Chair Planter.
You can use an old chair of your own or pick one up dirt-cheap at a local thrift store. Try using potted bulbs like tulips or daffodils that you can later plant right into your garden!