Too much of anything is bad for you (ok, some things are bad for you in any quantity, but we’re talking normal stuff here), so enough with the cold weather already! I’m all for snow days as much as anyone, but these
sub-zero days are wearing out their welcome. Snow isn’t much fun when all you can stand to do outside is run to your car and back. Bone-chilling climates are fine for folks in Alaska or North Dakota, but here in Iowa we like our temperatures at 10 or above in the winter. The one bright side of this year has been our consistent, reliable heat and water supplies. Last year winter’s -29 degree conditions were disaster for our cattle’s automatic waterer, so we’re counting our blessings for working supplies this year. Saturday night was forecasted to be the last night of the frigid weather and I have my fingers crossed the weathermen are right on the money this time.
As they say, you have can’t joy without sorrow or sun without rain. Necessity has fathered many an invention and cold weather remedies are no exception. So in keeping with my New Year’s resolution to look more on the brighter side, I’m offering up my
10. Wearing gloves to bed (a bit unorthodox, but if your hands get cold at night like mine, try wearing a pair of those ultra-thin stretchable gloves to bed)
9. Starbucks Drive-Thru (love their coffee and drive-thru is a miracle for cold Iowa winters)
8. Chenille Socks (these keep your feet toasty warm even on hardwood floors)
7. Hot Pajamas (fresh from the dryer)
6. Flannel Sheets5. Remote Car Starters (
not so great for my dad, though, who somehow manages to start his accidentally by rolling over the remote during naps)
4. Electric Blankets3. Hot Showers2. High-tech hand/foot warmers (the ones you open and kneed with your hands to activate)
1. Body Heat (gives you an excuse to get close to your favorite person!)